Greenon freshman named to state suicide prevention advisory council

Sydni Howard to work for suicide prevention.
Greenon High School freshman Sydni Howard will serve on Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council. She is one of 20 students across the state to be named to the group.

Greenon High School freshman Sydni Howard will serve on Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council. She is one of 20 students across the state to be named to the group.

A local teen has been tapped to serve on a state committee that can support her peers’ mental well-being needs.

Greenon High School freshman Sydni Howard was named Clark County’s representative to the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council. She is one of 20 students state-wide between ages 14-19 selected out of 50 applicants.

The students will meet beginning March 1 to read grant proposals as part of an awareness group to further the education of suicide prevention.

Howard, who is involved in several Greenon student programs as well as the student-led community organization Bringing Awareness to Students (BATS), applied for the position through the guidance of Sarah Jergens, Greenon’s mental health therapist.

“I was so surprised, I didn’t expect it and it just happened,” Howard said. “I’m excited to be a part of this. I love these opportunities.”

Greenon High School freshman Sydni Howard will serve on Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council. She is one of 20 students across the state to be named to the group.

Credit: Contributed

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Credit: Contributed

She was inspired by hearing stories of how depression affects her peers and wants to make a difference. Another motivator was the death of family friend.

“This is a big problem and it can’t solve itself. It’s time we brought some light to it,” said Howard.

Already a peer leader in Greenon’s Sources of Strength suicide prevention program, Jergens saw qualities that made her an ideal candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee.

“Sydni jumps on any chance she gets and has that initiative,” Juergens said. “She’s very outgoing and always steps up.”

Howard first got interested in being a student leader in such issues during a “Be the Change Youth Summit” with older kids. She counts enthusiasm, energy, resilience and hard work as part of her character.

The Youth Advisory Council will also create prevention programs, which would include establishing a campaign at Greenon with the theme of assuring students it’s okay to not be okay and seeking help can make a difference.

Jergens said it can be hard for kids to go to adults when they are feeling depressed or down and having somebody their own age makes a difference, thinking of them more as an ally.

Howard is glad to join this as a freshman as committee members can serve until age 19. Her long-term goal is to work in the psychiatry field, which she calls her passion and may also meet needs within her own family.

Along with these projects, Howard is in various school musical groups and on the bowling team, but is especially drawn to programs that can benefit others.

“I’m focused on making the world a better place through mental health,” Howard said.